



In this paper,the data colleted by questionnaire will be made Correlation Analysis by SPSS17.0 software.

问卷调查 翻译 急。。。高分

Students on the network teaching platform for the implementation of the effect of satisfaction surveys or questionnaires to accept all students, you are good: In order to understand my network teaching platform for students to use the resource situation, in order to better develop the network of teaching resources, We like to help you fill out the questionnaire. No secret to this questionnaire, the survey results only for research. This questionnaire will take about 1 minute, in accordance with their own answer to the actual situation and to complete. For you, with the participation and to express my sincere thanks.


Classmate: :

Hello, we are _____ class for the investigators, and we're dining room repast environment investigation. Your opinion is very important, will help dining room better improve dining environment.

Hope you can spare a little time, accept our investigation, fill out a questionnaire. We all the situation and to your answer, just as confidential by statistics.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Your department don't grade: a long-running controversial

1, you several times a week in the dinning room?

A, B, little most 5 times C, above 5 times 10 times the following D, 10 times above

2, you think college dining room overall dining environment?

A, good B, general C, poorer

Three, you think dining room of desk and chair is put to scientific and reasonable?

A, B, general C, reasonable is not reasonable

4, you think canteen dimensional size?

A, very broad B, general C, A little narrow D, very narrow

5, you think cafeteria decorate, whether to need new more beautiful (science)?

A, need not need C, B, whatever

6, you think canteen and ventilated circumstance?

A, good B, general C, poorer D, very poor

7, you think cafeteria provide table adequate?

A, B, too much already enough, insufficient D, very C lack

8, how do you think the daylighting of the dining room?

A, good B, general C, poorer D, very poor

9, you think dining room table health condition?

A, very clean B, cleaner C, general D, dirtier E, very dirty

10, you think cafeteria workers health condition?

A, very good B, better C, general D, more bad E, very poor

11, you think dining room have many mosquitoes fly?

A, many B, more C, general D, fewer E, almost no

12, you think canteen pollution-prevention (dust, shame)?

A, many, very dirty B, more C, general D, fewer E, almost no

13, you think queuing dozen rice time is too long.

A, B, can accept C long, faster D, quickly

14, you think cafeteria food price?

A, B, C, high low moderate

15, whether you think canteen food nutrition?

A, B, nutrient rich nutrition, not nutrition. General C

16, you think cafeteria food preservation condition?

A, do well B, I don't pay much attention to C, occasionally isn't hot enough D, often with cold

17, you think cafeteria food update circumstance?

A, frequently updated B, return calculate can C, nothing changes D, dull

18, you think food portions enough?

A, B, general C, is not enough

19, do you think the opening hours of the dining room is reasonable?

A, B, basic reasonable reasonable C, not how reasonable D, very unreasonable

20, you of staff service attitude satisfaction?

A, satisfied B, satisfactory C, not satisfied D, very dissatisfied

要做一个关于为什么学习翻译的问卷调查 可以提哪些有价值的问题?(开放式或者结构式的都可以)

1.您对翻译感兴趣吗? A:很感兴趣 B:较感兴趣 C:不感兴趣 2.您学习翻译的原因是? A:兴趣 B:学校课程安排 C:想从事翻译工作 D:想出国 E:其他 3.您主攻笔译还是口译? A:笔译 B:口译 C:二者兼顾 4.您认为笔译难还是口译难? A:笔译 B:口译 C:都难 D:都不难 5.您学翻译是为了在本国发展还是出国深造? A:在本国 B:出国 C:不确定 6.您认为是英译汉难还是汉译英难? A:英译汉 B:汉译英 C:都难 D:都不难 7.在您翻译的过程中,您发现是英译汉的比重大还是汉译英的比重大? A:英译汉 B:汉译英 C:两者相当 D:其他 8.您认为良好的汉语基础对翻译至关重要吗? A:是 B:不是 C:说不清 9.您认为翻译最重要的是? A:对原文的忠实 B:保持译文的通顺流畅 C.读者的接受程度 D:其他 10.您在翻译的过程中会考虑到读者吗? A:经常 B:有时 C:很少 D:从不 11.翻译完成后您会经常进行检查核对吗? A:经常 B:有时 C:很少 D:从不 12.您会考虑小语种的翻译吗? A:会 B:不会 C:没想过 13.您认为在翻译的过程中,“信”“达”“雅”哪一个更重要? A:信 B:达 C:雅 D:都很重要 E:其他 14.您认为学习翻译对您的生活或工作有用吗? A:很有用 B:有一点 C:几乎没有 D:一点儿用都没有 15.您经常和谁交流翻译经验? A:老师 B:同学 C:二者都有 D:很少和人交流 16.您会在将来从事与翻译有关的工作吗? A:会 B:不会 C:没想过 17.在翻译过程中,您认为是自身所学的知识更有用还是方法技巧更重要? A:所学知识 B:方法技巧 C:一样重要 18.您在翻译的时候,比较喜欢哪种方法? A:直译 B:意译 C:二者结合 19.您认为怎样的译文可算成功的译文? A.语言平实,通俗易懂 B:辞藻华丽,优美流畅 C:其他 20.您认为对于英语专业的学生,翻译学习的意义更多在于? A:提高考试成绩 B:掌握文化知识 C:提高自身素质 D:其他 1:您对翻译感兴趣吗?如果感兴趣,您是更喜欢笔译还是口译?您想从事小语种的翻译吗?为什么? 2:您能谈谈翻译学习的重要性和必要性吗?它们都表现在哪些方面? 3:您认为学好翻译最重要的是什么?为什么? 4:您打算以后从事专门的翻译工作吗?为什么? 5:您能否谈谈您学习翻译的一些好建议和学习方法?


1.1 Does your facility have a formal security department or a designated security officer to supervise the introduction and removal of cargo and packages?


1.2 Do you verify the cargo against the manifest documents?


1.3 How do you detect and account for overages or shortages?


1.4 If containers or trailers are left at the facility overnight, are they secured, locked, and sealed as necessary? If the containers/trailers are full of cargo, are they also sealed?


1.5 Is a procedure in place for inspecting and verifying seals, and for immediately reporting discrepancies?


1.6 Are containers, trailers, and drivers that enter or leave the facility recorded?


1.7 Are security procedures documented?


1.8 Do you conduct formal self-assessments of security procedures?


2.1 Are buildings constructed of materials that resist unlawful entry and protect from outside intrusion?


2.2 Are entrances and exits monitored? Are they locked and secured when not manned?


2.3 Are external and internal doors, windows, and/or fences protected from outside intrusion?


2.4 Are intrusion alarms used to detect unauthorized entry after hours? If so, are they monitored by a security officer or outside agency?


2.5 Are all external doors alarmed and linked to the main alarm system?


2.6 Are windows secured with alarms or other intrusion deterrents (bars, wiring, etc.)?


2.7 Are exit doors reinforced? Are dock doors constructed of materials that prevent unlawful entry?


2.8 Is lighting both inside and outside the facility adequate to eliminate dark corners?


2.9 Is flood lighting used on loading and unloading areas? Are dock doors illuminated at night?


2.10 zones maintained around the facility?

I.e., are brush and growth cleared from the perimeter barrier?

2.11 Does a guard or receptionist monitor the office entrances?


2.12 Is there a formal registration process to document visitors to the facility?


2.13 Is parking for employees separate from the dock and cargo areas?


2.14 Are containers/trailers that remain at the facility overnight secured and



2.15 Are seal numbers verified before trailers or trucks are released from the



2.16 Is the identification of the truck driver verified before cargo is released to

his/her custody?


2.17 Are truck drivers given limited access to the facility and supervised at all times?


2.18 Are communication systems in place to contact internal security personnel or

local law enforcement officers in the event of an emergency?





1.听 2.说 3.读 4.写 5.汉字

1.闻(き)く 2.话(はな)す 3.読(よ)む 4.书(か)く 5.汉字(かんじ)


  • avatar
    访客 2022-07-09 下午 08:07:11

    rm system?是否所有对外的大门都和主警报系统相关联?2.6 Are windows secured with alarms or other intrusion deterrents (bars, wiring, etc.)?当窗户受到外

  • avatar
    访客 2022-07-09 下午 07:25:56

    想从事小语种的翻译吗?为什么? 2:您能谈谈翻译学习的重要性和必要性吗?它们都表现在哪些方面? 3:您认为学好翻译最重要的是什么?为什么? 4:您打算以后从事专门的翻译工作吗?为

  • avatar
    访客 2022-07-09 下午 11:47:20

    B, whatever 6, you think canteen and ventilated circumstance? A, good B, general C, poorer D, very poor 7, yo

  • avatar
    访客 2022-07-09 下午 09:32:50

    2, you think canteen pollution-prevention (dust, shame)? A, many, very dirty B, more C, general D, fewer E, almost no 13, you think queuing dozen
