



娱乐新闻是根据现代人的某种需要而生产出来供一部分人消费的信息产品。而娱乐新闻大行其道与我国的各种文化,社会因素存在千丝万缕的联系.而新闻的娱乐化在内容上偏重于软新闻, 减少严肃新闻的比例,从严肃的政治、经济变动中挖掘其娱乐价值. 在表现形式上,强调故事性、情节性,适度加入人情味因素,强化事件的戏剧悬念或煽情、刺激的方面,走新闻故事化、新闻文学化道路。与社会文化紧密相连,娱乐新闻生存的土壤也是它生存的土壤,并且在这个土壤里扎根更深. 娱乐新闻包含在新闻的娱乐化大潮中,并且是主力军.我们要认真看待新闻娱乐化,遵循新闻规律.

关键词: 娱乐新闻 娱乐化 新闻规律



近些年,中国的娱乐新闻可以说十分发达,“娱记”已经成为一个非常生动的职业词汇,众多的小报和追星族给娱乐新闻提供了肥沃的生存土壤。从学术角度看,娱乐新闻肯定不同于过去我们习以为常的严肃新闻,甚至它与我们通常说的社会新闻也有很大区别。娱乐新闻俨然已经成为了一个大的新闻品种.那么娱乐新闻的定义究竟是什么呢?它与一般社会新闻有什么区别和联系呢?从学术角度来看,从新闻到社会新闻再到娱乐新闻是有一种逻辑关系的.社会新闻与西方的软新闻有相通之处,现如今,我们看到的社会新闻即那些政治性较弱,人情味较浓,趣味性较强的新闻,大部分成为奇闻轶事的代名词,突出的是事件的反常性. 如果说今天的社会新闻还符合传统的新闻定义的话,今天的娱乐新闻已经很难用新闻定义来衡量了。如果说受众需要的就是新闻,那么娱乐新闻无疑具有相当大的市场。但是,假如用经典的新闻定义来看,娱乐新闻不只是要素不全,它甚至更像是制作出来的新闻. 它描述的新闻常常是静态的,是关于某些人物的某种变化,比如某个明星的头发形状又变化了,某个名人又有什么言论了。可以发现,明星绯闻占据了娱乐新闻的主体地位。娱乐新闻这个概念倒是非常容易与国外沟通,因为这是一个世界性的现象。如果简单地描?鲇槔中挛诺亩ㄒ澹笤伎梢运担歉菹执说哪持中枰隼垂┮徊糠秩讼训男畔⒉贰6槔中挛糯笮衅涞烙胛夜母髦治幕?社会因素存在千丝万缕的联系



什么叫新闻的娱乐化?与娱乐新闻相似的是,它在内容上也偏重于软新闻, 减少严肃新闻的比例,将名人趣事、日常事件及带煽情性、刺激性的犯罪新闻、暴力事件、灾害事件、体育新闻、花边新闻等软性内容作为新闻的重点,但不像娱乐新闻那样仅仅关注娱乐界的琐碎和明星逸闻,它竭力从严肃的政治、经济变动中挖掘其娱乐价值. 在表现形式上,强调故事性、情节性,适度加入人情味因素,加强贴近性,衍变为一味片面追求趣味性和吸引力,强化事件的戏剧悬念或煽情、刺激的方面,走新闻故事化、新闻文学化道路。




Entertainment news is based on the needs of a modern production by some people for the consumption of information products. The popular entertainment news and China's various cultural and social factors inextricably linked.'s Entertainment and news of the contents of emphasis on soft news, reducing the proportion of serious news, from the serious political and economic changes in Mining its entertainment value. In the form of performance, emphasizing narrative, plot, adding an appropriate human factors, and strengthen the incident or the sensational drama of suspense, excitement, take news stories and news of the literary road. Closely linked with socio-cultural, entertainment news survival of the soil it is the survival of the soil and take root in the soil deeper. Entertainment news included in the entertainment news of the tide, and is the main force we need to seriously look at entertainment news, follow the news Law.

Key words: entertainment news entertainment news laws

At first glance these two phrases, it seems the same to , both news and entertainment have the word. However, after careful scrutiny, or is easy to see that there are different. Entertainment news is the main news, like Sports News, community news, entertainment and news of today's China is the darling of the media industry, its definition and interpretation of a much more complex than entertainment news, involving various social causes and has its uniqueness.

l entertainment news

In recent years, China's entertainment news can be very advanced, "Yuji" has become a very lively career vocabulary, many of the tabloids and entertainment news Zhuixing Zu to provide fertile soil for survival. From an academic point of view, entertainment news certainly different from the past, we used to the serious news, even with the community that we normally have great news distinction. Entertainment news seems to have become a big variety of news. Then the definition of entertainment news what is it «with the general social What is the difference between news and links it» from an academic point of view, from news to entertainment news and to community news is There is a logic of relations. Community news and soft news with the West things in common, now, we can see that the community news that is the weaker of those political, human Jiaonong, the more interesting news, a majority of anecdotal Qiwen Synonymous, prominent is the unusual nature of the incident. If today's news is also in line with society's traditional definition of news, today's entertainment news has been difficult to measure the definition of news. If the audience is in need of news, entertainment news undoubtedly has a very big market. However, if by classic definition of news, entertainment news not only incomplete elements, it is produced even more like the news. It described the news is often static, some people are on some kind of change, such as a The star also change the shape of hair, what is a celebrity of the speech. Can be found, the star of the sex scandal occupy the dominant position of entertainment news. But the concept of entertainment news is very easy to communicate with foreign countries, because it is a worldwide phenomenon. If the simple depiction »Nian Gao in the twin Connaught acres Dan Kabuki shoot Tiao Wan Tam apologized Potamogeton crispus which they said held in Sun Chui Pingrank of First Instance litter the banks of training men and Gao ⒉ 2 for 6 in the twin waxy Zuoxin Lai defense Jia Mother Night Mao Zhi screen «social factors inextricably linked to

China is in a transition period. First of all people see is the rapid development of material areas, speed up the process of market economy and stimulate the long-suppressed people's enjoyment of the material desire and consumption impulse to make such irrational situations, people asked Everything can be as much as possible to their satisfaction, also called spiritual joy, as far as possible, and entertainment news on the very good to meet people's needs. From the cultural point of view, the social transition period, popular culture has swept The world, will the general public as a major consumer, to the mass media as the main means of communication. People have a certain leisure and economic conditions to meet cultural needs, they pay more attention to detail of life, Town Talking about, concerned about strange events and trivial news , In the course of this can be very good to relax its attitude to ease the burden and pressure on, so it will have entertainment news broad market.

l News of the entertainment

What is the entertainment news of »and similar entertainment news, it is also in the content of emphasis on soft news, reducing the proportion of serious news, celebrity interesting, with day-to-day events and sensational, provocative news of crime, violence, Disaster events, sports news, lace news content such as soft as the focus of news, entertainment news but not as concerned about the entertainment industry's only trivial and anecdotal star, from the serious political and economic changes in the mining of its entertainment value. In the performance Form, emphasizing narrative, plot, adding an appropriate human factors, close to the strengthening of the Evolution of blindly for the one-sided pursuit interesting and attractive, strengthening the incident or the sensational drama of suspense, excitement, take news stories and news of Literature Road.

News that the entertainment of why the current fashion it into a «with the same entertainment news, it is also closely linked with socio-cultural, entertainment news survival of the soil it is the survival of the soil and take root in the soil deeper.

First of all, the audience it needs to survive. Today's society is a pluralistic society, people's thinking is also diversified, people want access to information around the world changes, so conducive to their survival and development. The needs of people that the past is no longer a strong political flavor of the information, they also need economic, cultural, science and technology, education and other fields of information is more important to people in addition to various kinds of access to information, they also hope that the tension in the In his spare time, the news media can provide them with physical and mental health benefits of entertainment. People in the media put too much attention, but they think that some of the confusion. A considerable number of audience to maximize the pursuit of material benefits, neglect and cultural accomplishment, can not even sit down to read reading, culture mediocrity, aesthetic taste low, people feel More and more numb, slow, not deep thinking, the pursuit of spiritual sentiment, but more needs to stimulate the senses, to break the real-life boring monotonous and boring empty, and entertainment news and more easily provided some lively cultural leisure , Fun with art,play the way people bring information to satisfy the audience's enjoyment of the game and psychological needs.

Secondly, the media interest also contributed to the entertainment news of a great extent by the development of the market economy, many media institutions shift from the original enterprise management, to the market for money. A profit, we must create a good media Products to meet the needs of the audience. Audiences are willing to look at what the media have to give what, or whether you think it is more than good quality, as long as people are not welcome, not for sale, everything is meaningless. So as far as possible their own media Popular products, the audience in the cultural aspects of the special interest of leading the mass media tend to cater to the audience, attracting the attention of the hands of access to cost-effective means of economic benefits driven by the desire of the various media to make their own allow the information disseminated by the audience Satisfaction. The ultimate result is that the media have carried out awareness of the need for audience entertainment news dissemination. So we see our great length with the media and prime-time speculation certain directors and actors of a certain lace news, a certain star also tied into the triangular Love, a certain Secretary mistresses, and so on, soybeans big thing is a front-page speculation. In addition to cater to audience demand, the media and also the interests of some companies, advertisers related. Advertisers control of the media's economic lifeline, the decision Whether or not the survival of the media, advertisers and the media depends on whether an investment in the media can attract audiences, whether for his investment in the best interests of return. Here, the audience is not only to attract media targets, but also the advertisers Measure, from this perspective, the media provide more entertainment features it is a firm direction and therefore the media to suppress the other features, news and entertainment is at home.



一种替代词,网络用语,由于很多论坛会设置关键词过滤,最初的“去年买了个表”的形成是由于:有些网友用于替代“去 你 妈 了 个 逼。”被摒弃掉,而做替代的一种表达。










[1]去年买了个表火了之后,当然有很多人会问怎么回应? 网络最不缺就是强人~很快就有暴强的回应出现了!

就是: “啥表? (傻 B)”纽曼表“(你 妈 B)“软陶表”(软体B)





文艺版是 忘却难免留个疤。 WQNMLGB



































  • avatar
    访客 2022-07-04 上午 05:38:05

    news that is the weaker of those political, human Jiaonong, the more interesting news, a majority of

  • avatar
    访客 2022-07-04 上午 04:42:35


  • avatar
    访客 2022-07-04 上午 12:14:52

    th foreign countries, because it is a worldwide phenomenon. If the simple depiction »Nian Gao
